Wirtschaftsbesprechung im Stift Melk: Abt Georg Wilfinger OSB, Wirtschaftsdirektor Karl Edelhauser, P. Ludwig Wenzl OSBFranz Gleiss

“From the start Benedictine monasteries have created, have achieved, have built something through their prayer-supported work, without being a burden to anybody. Thus Saint Benedict gave work its dignity. Proficiency and faithful confidence made it possible for monasteries to go their own way, because they had a firm ground to stand on. Daily routine and work were sanctified by the monks’ common worship service and divine office.”


Economy ǀ Internal Departments

With about 340 employees (in abbey, restaurant and school), Melk abbey is an important enterprise in the province of Lower Austria. Its investments, jobs, and the expenses of its visitors increase the purchasing power of the region significantly. The constant investments for preservation, restauration, expansion of tourism, as well as the maintenance of the school contribute considerably to the development of the region and of the province of Lower Austria.
Today the abbey’s most important business operations include tourism, agriculture, forestry, real estate, leases, and the school.


Enterprises of Melk Abbey

Tourism is Melk abbey’s biggest enterprise. Before the COVID-pandemic the monastery had about 550.000 visitors per year.

The Stift Melk Card (a ticket for the complete main season), the Garden Summer Nights, as well as summer concerts and remarkable special exhibitions – Melk abbey’s culture and tourism department continually develops new, attractive ideas to appeal to visitors from all over the world as well as from the area and to commend itself as a delightful destination.

The head of the culture and tourism department is P. Mag. Ludwig Wenzl OSB who can be contacted by e-mail: ludwig.tourismus(at)stiftmelk.at


Melk abbey has two farms, in Melk and in Wullersdorf, which correspond to all modern standards. However, ranching was abandoned in 1978. Currently the abbey owns about 1.100 hectares of agricultural area.

Furthermore, about 3.300 hectares of forest belonging to the abbey are administrated by four forest management units, in Melk, Baden, Traisental, and Gaming. Hunting and fishing tenancies are managed by the abbey’s tenancy office in Melk.

If you have questions concerning hunting, please contact:

Melk Abbey Operational Management
Wirtschaftsdirektion Stift Melk
Director Karl Edelhauser
Office manager Birgit Kühnl
+43 2752 555 222


Stift Melk, Forestry Office

Abt-Berthold-Dietmayr-Straße 1
A-3390 Melk
Tel: +43(0)2752-555-214
Fax: +43(0)2752-555-52

Forsthaus Rosenfeld     
Melk abbey’s forester’s lodge
Rosenfeld 7
A- 3390 Melk
Tel: +43(0)2752-52854-0 

Ofö. Ing. Peter Gwiss
Mobil: +43(0)676-401 97 14

Friedrich Wolf
Mobil: +43(0)676-579 80 03


Real estate management for the tenements in Vienna:

Dr. Franz Nistelberger, Immobilienverwaltung e.U.
Seitenstettengasse 5/2-3
1010 Wien
Tel: +431 523 91 50


For all matters concerning the lease of agricultural and silvicultural areas as well as vineyards, please contact:
Birgit Kühnl / Wirtschaftsdirektion Stift Melk
+43 2752 555 222

For all matters concerning purchase of land or hunting, please contact:

Director Karl Edelhauser
+43 2752 555 222

Internal Departments

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday 7.00 am – 12.00 pm / 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Friday 7.00 am – 1.00 pm

Director Karl Edelhauser

Office manager: Birgit Kühnl
Stift Melk, Wirtschafts- und Zentraldirektion
Abt-Berthold-Dietmayr-Straße 1
A-3390 Melk
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-222
Fax: +43-(0)2752-555-52

Payroll accounting
Mira Hochstöger
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-216

Leopold Messner
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-219

Isabella Hobl
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-218

Angelika Brandhofer
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-218

Construction department
Gottfried Fuchs
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-217

Safety officer
Gerhard Scheiber
Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-212

Gottfried Fuchs

Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-217


Gerhard Fuchs

Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-229


Gerd Litzlachner, Roland Reisinger

Tel:  +43-(0)2752-555-263

Monday – Thursday 7.00 am – 4.00 pm
Friday 7.00 am – 1.00 pm

Bettina Scheiber

Tel: +43-(0)2752 555 282

Stift Melk, Portal

Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-230


Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-232



Stefan Ofenauer

Tel: +43-(0)2752-555-281


Stefan Ofenauer

Tel: +43-(0)2752 555 281


Brigitte Kobler-Pimiskern

Tel: +43-(0)2752 555 283


Brigitte Kobler-Pimiskern

Please contact us via emailmarketing(at)stiftmelk.at

Requests for film or photo shootings
Please download the form and send it - completely filled out - to fotos(at)stiftmelk.at.  We will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance!

Request form for film or photo shootings


Karl Edelhauser