Support of the Restoration of Melk Abbey Library ǀ 2022-2032
Books are among Humanity’s most important cultural goods, they are an integral part of our country’s cultural heritage. It is a matter of great concern for us to contribute to the preservation of this precious treasury of books.
EX LITTERIS IMMORTALITAS is the name of the association for the support of the restoration of Melk Abbey’s library. Already initiated in 2019/2020, it was not formally established until 2022 because of the pandemic. The purpose of the association is the support of the big restoration project which is scheduled between 2022 and 2032. Its founders are convinced that the preservation of Melk Abbey’s library is also a matter very close to other people’s hearts, whom they try to win over as donors, patrons and sponsors. It is their goal to contribute one million Euros in the following ten years.
President Mag. Erwin Hameseder and the association’s board invite you to take action for Melk Abbey library.
Bücher zählen zu den wichtigsten Kulturgütern der Menschheit, sie sind integraler Bestandteil des Kulturerbes unseres Landes. Es ist uns ein Anliegen, zum Erhalt dieses wertvollen Bücherschatzes beizutragen.
Opportunities for support
- Statement of support – for the association EX LITTERIS IMMORTALITAS
Give a onetime or yearly contribution of your choice
Supporters get special information about the restoration work and are invited to events in Melk Abbey.
- Sponsorship models for companies
Mention of the company’s name and placement of its logo
- on the web site
- in the exhibition “Restoration and Life”
- in publications concerning the abbey restoration
- on social media channels and in the context of our PR work
- Further plans:
book sponsorhips
possibility to purchase facsimiles
proceeds from merchandise
Media Partner: ORF Lower Austria